Jul12 Allergies

Are you eating foods that could be toxic to your system?

How would you find out? Food can be your best medicine, but only when you know which foods are right for you. Most people are aware of Type 1 Allergic Reactions. You know you are having a Type I reaction because your body suffers an immediate and notable reaction (i.e. anaphylactic shock). These are IgE reactions.

Type 2 Reactions are much less obvious and could be wreaking havoc on your system. We call these reactions Food Sensitivities. What most people don’t know is that the foods they’re eating- seemingly healthy foods like milk, eggs, corn, wheat could be causing a subtle but unhealthy reaction in your body.

Over time, the toxic reaction builds up and can cause all kinds of chronic health problems.

Food Sensitivities are much more subtle than food allergies and often go undiagnosed. It looks like this. When we eat foods we are sensitive to, they irritate the lining of our intestines and create an inflammatory response. When this happens, we compromise the integrity of the lining of our GI tract and begin to absorb toxins that we otherwise wouldn’t. Once we absorb these toxins, they go into our bloodstream and our body recognizes them as foreigners. What do we do to foreign invaders? Our body attacks them. We attack them using IgE antibodies.

If you suffer from any of the following disorders, you could have Food Sensitivities:
● Acne
● Allergies
● Arthritis
● Asthma
● Chronic Ear Infections
● Constipation
● Cravings
● Depression
● Diarrhea
● Digestive complaints
● Fatigue
● Memory problems
● Migraines
● Skin Rashes
● Sick often
● Weight gain

The good news is that now, with a simple blood test, we can test for Food Sensitivitiesto many of the most commonly consumed foods. Once we determine which foods you are sensitive to, treatment begins by avoiding those specific foods for 3 months to allow time for the antibodies to be excreted from your system. After 3 months, many folks can reintroduce these foods occasionally and no longer exhibit sensitivity reactions. In the meantime, we supply the GI tract with the proper nutrients it needs to heal, such as probiotics and glutamine.

Why wait? Call today to schedule your Food Sensitivity Panel. Your health is worth it.

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