Jun28 Botanical Medicines

Todays research has demonstrated the medicinal powers of many common plants. The use of herbs is both as science and an art. An herb generally works on the body in one of three ways: it can purge the body of impurities, it can build up the immune system, or it can

Jun28 Lifestyle/ Wellness Counseling

Since many factors contribute to health and wellness, all aspects of your individual lifestyle are addressed. Guidance on ways to cope with stress is an important part of pour Integrative Approach. Effective strategies that fit your unique lifestyle are what you need to be successful in creating your own personal life-long

I suffer from severe depression- Can Naturopathic Medicine help me? How is it possible that someone that has been suffering for years and, taken a myriad of prescription medicines, would respond to something as simple as natural medicines? The main differentiation between treating depression with holistic medicine versus prescription drugs is actually

Jul01 Weight Loss

It sounds simple enough: In order to lose weight all we need to do is eat less and exercise more. Then why is it that so many people in our society find the task impossible? In our clinical experience, we find that the answers are a bit more complex. Take two